Dangers of a DIY Tenancy Agreement


Type ‘tenancy agreement’ into Google and you’ll get thousands of results offering free online templates and guides to writing your own rental contract.


But be warned: taking a do-it-yourself approach to setting up a tenancy could prove costly in the long run.


If you get into a dispute with your tenant, or want to regain possession of the property, you could find your contract is worthless.


Here’s why.


Legally unsound


Incorrect legal terms, illogical clauses, confusing wording… all of these can cause problems if a tenant challenges something in the contract.


Using an agent with access to a properly drafted, legally sound, up-to-date tenancy agreement can save you money and time.


Other legal requirements


Landlords must also issue tenants with a raft of other documents, including gas and electrical safety certificates and details of the relevant deposit service. Failure to do this could invalidate your tenancy agreement.


Notice periods


If the tenancy was set up incorrectly, it could invalidate any notice you serve.


For expert help setting up a tenancy, contact us today.

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