
The pitfalls of renting are always shouted about, but what about the positives?   With rental reforms on the horizon and interest rates high, let’s explore why being a tenant is... read more »
As a landlord, it’s important to build a good relationship with tenants. You want them to feel comfortable in their new home and to care for it, pay rent on time and generally have a s... read more »
If you’re a landlord about to settle a new tenant into a property, there’s one phrase that should be your guiding mantra: “Start as you mean to go on”.   Becau... read more »
Electric vehicles (EVs) are everywhere. They’ve been steadily growing in popularity and are now a serious consideration for anyone thinking about buying a new car. So, are you ready to... read more »
With summer officially starting in a few weeks, most people will have banished all thoughts of winter and the dark, damp days that go with it. But there’s a good reason why landlords s... read more »
It’s not just birds, bees and butterflies that come out in force in summer – unfortunately, burglars step up their activity, too. With many people going away on holiday (leaving ... read more »
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